Trodat Printy 4850 Self Inking Rubber Stamp - 23 x 12mm - 3.8mm Date

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SKU: 4850_BLK
Regular price £14.99 inc. VAT
Regular price Sale £19.99 Sale price £14.99 inc. VAT
This custom Trodat 4850 Date stamp is the ideal stamp for an office environment that frequently needs to to put the date on documents or paperwork.
You can have 1 line of custom text above the date. 
The size of the impression has a maximum of 23 x 5 mm with a 3.8mm date below
The date bands include date, month and 12 consecutive years
This stamp comes with a Blue and Red ink pad with the date being stamped red. 
You can also purchase single coloured ink pads separately.